Monthly Archives: March 2023

IHREC Employment Opportunities


Higher Executive Officer

(Applications are Now Closed)

The Organisation

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC) is Ireland’s national human rights and equality institution. It was established in November 2014 under the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 with a statutory mandate to:

  • Protect and promote human rights and equality.
  • Encourage the development of a culture of respect for human rights, equality, and intercultural understanding in the State.
  • Promote understanding and awareness of the importance of human rights and equality in the State.
  • Encourage good practice in intercultural relations, promote tolerance and acceptance of diversity in the State and respect for the freedom and dignity of each person, and,
  • Work towards the elimination of human rights abuses, discrimination and prohibited conduct.

IHREC is seeking a suitably qualified and committed individual to take up the role of Higher Executive Officer (HEO) who will work as a Legal Officer under the direction of an Assistant Principal.

The candidate working in the Legal Team will be responsible for the management of a caseload arising, including casework relating to private clients in receipt of legal assistance under section 40 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 (the ‘IHREC Act’). In addition, the candidate will have a litigation and enforcement brief on behalf of the Commission, which can include, for example, amicus curiae, equality reviews and action plans, and advisory work etc.

The candidate will support the provision of general information on human rights and equality law and will be part of a multi-disciplinary team assigned to this work and may have administrative support staff reporting to him/her.

HEOs working as Legal Officers may be assigned to other teams as appropriate.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Assessment of applications to the Commission for legal assistance;
  • Provision of information on equality and human rights enactments to individuals, as required;
  • Support to the senior solicitors in the Commission;
  • Efficient and timely running of a litigation case load on behalf of the Commission, as assigned, including amicus curiae;
  • Legally representing clients, who are in receipt of legal assistance pursuant to section 40 of the IHREC Act, before the Workplace Relations Commission (‘WRC’), Labour, District, Circuit Court and Superior Courts, as required;
  • Briefing Counsel as appropriate;
  • Assisting in policy paper preparation, including analysis and observations on the legislative proposals of Government, as required;
  • Undertaking work relating to the Commission’s compliance and enforcement functions – including Equality Reviews and Action Plans, the Public Sector Duty, Inquiries – as well as through representing the Commission in the WRC/Labour Court and the courts, as required;
  • Management of the work of junior staff, to include training and supervision of delivery by junior colleagues of their work:
  • Provision of legal training to staff across other teams;
  • Development (with other team members) of appropriate responses by the Commission in relation to the vindication of equality and human rights;
  • Making presentations concerning the work at appropriate public fora;
  • Efficient office management and record keeping; and
  • Effective team working with teams across the organization.

The areas outlined in this job role should not be regarded as comprehensive in scope and may be added to or altered as required, in line with the requirements of the Commission. 

Application and further information

For further information and to apply for this role visit or see attachments below:

  • Application Form
  • Candidate Information Booklet

Applications should be submitted via email and must include:

  • A completed Application Form outlining why you wish to be considered for the post and how your skills and experience meet the requirements for the position

Only applications fully submitted will be accepted into the campaign.

To apply for this role candidates must submit the relevant, signed and completed application form to [email protected]

Deadline for application: Please note latest receipt for applications is Thursday 1st February 2024 at 1pm. Incomplete applications, postal applications or CV’s will not be accepted. Any applications received after the closing date and time will not be considered. Please note that applications for this role are now closed.

An acknowledgement email will be issued for all applications received. If you do not receive acknowledgement of your application within two working days of submission, please contact Osborne Recruitment at [email protected] to ensure your application has been received.

No enquiries or canvassing should be made directly to IHREC.

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from people from diverse backgrounds and from under-represented groups including ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.


Ardoifigeach Feidhmiúcháin 

An Eagraíocht

Is éard is Coimisiún na hÉireann um Chearta an Duine agus Comhionannas ann ná an institiúid náisiúnta atá freagrach as cearta an duine agus comhionannas. Bunaíodh é i Samhain 2014 faoi Acht Choimisiún na hÉireann um Chearta an Duine agus Comhionannas, agus an sainordú seo a leanas aige:

  • Cearta an duine agus comhionannas a chosaint agus a chur chun cinn,
  • Forbairt cultúir a spreagadh ina léireofar meas ar chearta daonna, ar chomhionannas agus ar thuiscint  idirchultúrtha sa Stát,
  • Tuiscint agus feasacht a chothú maidir leis an tábhacht a bhaineann le cearta daonna agus comhionannas sa Stát,
  • An dea-chleachtas a spreagadh ó thaobh caidreamh idirchultúrtha de, caoinfhulaingt agus glacadh le hilchineálacht a chur chun cinn sa Stát, mar aon le meas ar shaoirse agus dhínit gach aon duine, agus
  • Oibriú ar mhaithe le deireadh a chur le treascairtí ar chearta an duine, idirdhealú agus iompar coiscthe.

Tá IHREC ag lorg duine atá cáilithe agus tiomanta go hiomchuí chun tabhairt faoi ról an Ardoifigigh Fheidhmiúcháin (HEO) a oibreoidh mar Oifigeach Dlí faoi stiúir Príomhoifigeach Cúnta.

Beidh an t-iarrthóir a bheidh ag obair san Fhoireann Dlí freagrach as ualach cásanna a thagann chun cinn a bhainistiú, lena n-áirítear cásobair a bhaineann le cliaint phríobháideacha a fhaigheann cúnamh dlíthiúil faoi alt 40 den Acht fá Choimisiún na hÉireann um Chearta an Duine agus Comhionannas 2014 (‘Acht IHREC’). Ina theannta sin, beidh coimre dlíthíochta agus forfheidhmithe ag an iarrthóir thar ceann an Choimisiúin, ar féidir a áireamh inti, mar shampla, amicus curiae, athbhreithnithe comhionannais agus pleananna gníomhaíochta, agus obair chomhairleach srl.

Tacóidh an t-iarrthóir le soláthar faisnéise ginearálta ar dhlí chearta an duine agus an chomhionannais agus beidh sé/sí mar chuid d’fhoireann ildisciplíneach a shanntar don obair seo agus d’fhéadfadh foireann tacaíochta riaracháin a bheith aige/aici ag tuairisciú dó/di.

Féadfar HEOanna atá ag obair mar Oifigigh Dlí a shannadh d’fhoirne eile de réir mar is cuí.

Príomhfhreagrachtaí: –

  • Measúnú ar iarratais chuig an gCoimisiún ar chúnamh dlíthiúil
  • Faisnéis a sholáthar maidir le hachtacháin chomhionannais agus chearta an duine dodhaoine aonair, de réir mar is gá;
  • Tacaíocht do na haturnaetha sinsearacha sa Choimisiún;
  • Ualach cáis dlíthíochta a reáchtáil go héifeachtúil agus go tráthúil thar ceann an Choimisiúin, de réir mar a shanntar é, lena n-áirítear amicus curiae;
  • Ionadaíocht dhlíthiúil a dhéanamh do chliaint, atá ag fáil cúnaimh dhlíthiúil de bhun alt 40 d’Acht IHREC, os comhair an Choimisiúin um Chaidreamh san Áit Oibre (‘WRC’), na Cúirte Oibreachais, na Cúirte Dúiche, na Cúirte Cuarda agus na nUaschúirteanna, de réir mar is gá;
  • Mionteagasc d’Abhcóide de réir mar is cuí;
  • Cabhrú le hullmhúchán páipéir bheartais, lena n-áirítear anailís agus tuairimí ar thograí reachtacha an Rialtais, de réir mar is gá;
  • Obair a dhéanamh a bhaineann le feidhmeanna comhlíonta agus forfheidhmithe an Choimisiúin – lena náirítear Athbhreithnithe Comhionannais agus Pleananna Gníomhaíochta, Dualgas na hEarnála Poiblí, Fiosrúcháin – chomh maith le hionadaíocht a dhéanamh ar an gCoimisiún sa WRC/sa Chúirt Oibreachais agus sna cúirteanna, de réir mar is gá;
  • Obair na foirne sóisearaí a bhainistiú, lena n-áirítear oiliúint agus maoirseacht ar sheachadadh ag comhghleacaithe sóisearacha ar a gcuid oibre:
  • Oiliúint dhlíthiúil a chur ar fáil don fhoireann ar fud foirne eile;
  • Forbairt (le baill foirne eile) ar fhreagraí iomchuí ón gCoimisiún i ndáil le comhionannas agus cearta an duine a fhírinniú;
  • Cur i láthair a dhéanamh maidir leis an saothar ag fóraim phoiblí iomchuí;
  • Bainistíocht éifeachtúil oifige agus coimeád taifead; agus
  • Foireann éifeachtach ag obair le foirne ar fud na heagraíochta.

Níor cheart na freagrachtaí thuas luaite a mheas mar liosta cuimsitheach agus féadfar go gcuirfear leo nó go n-athrófaí iad de réir mar is gá, i gcomhréir le ceanglais IHREC.

Iarratas agus tuilleadh eolais

Chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil agus chun iarratas a dhéanamh ar an ról seo tabhair cuairt ar nó féach ceangaltáin thíos:

  • Foirm Iarratais
  • Leabhrán Fisnéise d’Iarrthóirí

Ba cheart iarratais a chur isteach ar líne agus caithfear a áireamh leo:

  • Foirm Iarratais ina míníonn tú cén fáth ar chóir d’iarratas a chur san áireamh don phost seo agus cén chaoi a gcomhlíonann do chuid scileanna agus taithí na riachtanais don phost

Ní ghlacfar isteach san fheachtas ach amháin le hiarratais a chuirtear isteach go hiomlán ar líne

Le cur isteach ar an ról seo, caithfear iarrthóirí an fhoirm iarratais ábhartha a chomhlánú, a shíniú agus a sheoladh chuig [email protected]

Dáta Deiridh

Spriocdháta d’iarratais: Tabhair faoi deara, le do thoil, gurb é Déardaoin an 1 Feabhra 2024 ar 1pm an dáta deiridh. an t-am is déanaí a ghlacfar le hiarratais. Ní ghlacfar le hiarratais neamhiomlána, iarratais phoist ná CV-anna. Ní bhreithneofar iarratais a gheofar tar éis an dáta agus an ama dheiridh.

Eiseofar ríomhphost admhála le haghaidh gach iarratais a sheoltar isteach. Mura bhfuil admháil faighte agat ar d’iarratas laistigh de dhá lá ó sheol tú é, bí i dteagmháil le Foireann Earcaíochta Osborne i ríomhphost chuig [email protected] lena chinntiú go bhfuarthas d’iarratas.

Níor cheart aon fhiosrúcháin ná canbhasáil a dhéanamh go díreach le IHREC.  

Is fostóir comhdheiseanna é Coimisiún na hÉireann um Chearta an Duine agus Comhionannas agus fáiltíonn sé roimh iarratais ó dhaoine ó chúlraí éagsúla agus ó ghrúpaí faoi ghannionadaíocht lena n-áirítear mionlach eitneach agus daoine faoi mhíchumas.

Osborne in the Irish Examiner

We recently spoke to the Irish Examiner about the current situation across different industries revolving wage demands and the flexibility needed for new and existing employees when these demands are not met. 

“It was unsustainable the way it was going,” said our director of commercial development David Walsh. The company recently said the increase in salaries was possibly fueled by the significant rise in counter offers being made. 

“We have seen counter offers in the region of €5,000 to €13,000 more and in one instance a candidate was offered €20,000 more to stay with their current employer,” said our CEO Shona McManus in the firms recent Salary Guide report. 

“The war for talent is raging again with employers finding themselves in the midst of a candidate driven market,” she added. 

This demand in wage increase has seen serious pressure being put on companies to match these demands from either a wage perspective or flexibility perspective. You can view the entire article here. 

If you are looking to make a move to a new role or if you are struggling to find the right candidates, get in touch with one of our team here. 

Osborne scoop two TOP awards!


The Osborne Blanchardstown Team pictured with TV Host Marty Whelan at the Fingal Chamber Awards Ceremony in the Crown Plaza Dublin Airport Hotel 

It was a week of celebrations for Recruitment and Talent Solutions Consultancy Osborne as the group took home two prestigious awards from both the Fingal Chamber and ERF Awards. 

The first big win of the week came via Osborne Blanchardstown who beat off stiff competition to be crowned winners of the highly coveted award for SME Business of the Year. As one of the Osborne Group’s largest operations to date, this award is the icing on the cake for what was a phenomenal year of record growth for the Osborne Blanchardstown team. 

The Osborne Office and Secretarial Division were the proud recipients of the second big award of the week with the team winning the coveted Best in Practice: Office & Secretarial award at the annual ERF (Employment and Recruitment Awards). This is the 7th time Osborne have won this distinguished award which recognises excellence in the sector within the Irish recruitment industry. 


The Osborne Team pictured with television presenter Kathryn Thomas at the ERF Awards at the Shelborne Hotel. L-R Kathryn Thomas, Joanne Murray, Osborne, Olivia Adams, Osborne, Maisie Doyle, Osborne, Shona McManus, CEO & Owner, Osborne 

With a team of 90 permanent employees, affectionately known as the ‘Osbornites’ and approximately 240 temporary staff on client sites, Osborne provide Recruitment Excellence & Talent Solution Services to both clients and candidates, led by our one single consistent purpose of Right Person, Right Job, No Compromise across the following sectors: Accountancy & Finance, Office Administration & Customer Service, Sales & Marketing, HR & Talent Acquisition, Government & Public Sector, Light Industrial, Manufacturing & Engineering, I.T. Executive & Board Appointments, Temporary & Contract Appointments, International Search & Selection and Osborne Career Consultants. 


Speaking following the Fingal Awards ceremony, Recruitment and Business Director for Osborne Cloe Stapleton said “We as a team are so proud of the journey we have been on over the past 8 years, providing recruitment excellence to the clients, candidates and community that we serve in Fingal and its surrounding areas. Being a key member of the community for both Employers and Employees alike is incredibly important to us and making sure that our purpose of right person, right job, no compromise is at the heart of everything we do. To be recognized with the award for SME Business of the Year at the Fingal Chamber awards fills us with great pride and we look forward to continuing to provide recruitment excellence to our clients and candidates in the Fingal and surrounding areas” 


This September Osborne Blanchardstown celebrated its 8th year in operation and as a group  has helped drive the local economy through job creation with opportunities for 18 permanent staff and on average 83 temporary staff on-site in companies across the Fingal and Mid East region.  From January 2022 to date, Osborne Blanchardstown has recorded a whopping 35.5% increase in revenue and a 47% increase in headcount with almost a quarter of the overall group revenue (22.3%) generated by the Osborne Blanchardstown team this year. 


Following the ERF awards, Joanne Murray, Recruitment and Business Director for Osborne said “We are very honored to be awarded Best in Practice: Office & Secretarial once again this year by the ERF. It’s a huge achievement because it’s also our 7th time winning the award. We take so much pride in our work in this sector and know that we have the expertise and skill to deliver recruitment excellence, something we have done in this sector for over 25 years. The team have a real passion for Office and Secretarial recruitment and really care about delivering the best service to both candidates and clients and I am really proud and happy for the Office & Secretarial recruitment team across our 9 locations.” 


Osborne is the only Irish Recruitment firm of its size to be built on the back of Office and Secretarial recruitment. The division boasts a team of 18 specialist recruitment consultants, the largest and most experienced division within Osborne and is spread across the groups 9 office locations. 

From January 2022 to date, the office and secretarial division has seen a substantial 44.6% increase in the number of vacancies taken on, with the team contributing an impressive 36.9% to the Group Turnover based on permanent placements alone. 

It is the above achievements, coupled with the expertise, dedication and collaborative nature of our Blanchardstown team and Office and Secretarial Division that led to both teams winning two notable awards. 

For job seekers and employers in the Fingal region, please contact Osborne Blanchardstown at 01 5984334 or email Cloe Stapleton Recruitment and Business Director at [email protected]    

If you are an employer or job seeker and would like to speak to a member of our Office and Secretarial Division about the recruitment process or current job opportunities please contact Joanne Murray at [email protected] or call 01- 6384400 

Temp Jobs Ireland

Looking for a temping job but have questions? Read our FAQ below.

We know going back to the office can feel quite daunting, especially after a long period of time, but did you know that temping is a brilliant way to gain some extra experience and add to your C.V  which will no doubt boost your confidence? 

Why Temp? 

Many Osborne temps decide to try temping because they’ve been out of the workplace for some time.  We find that the majority of temps had taken time out for family or childcare reasons, while others took time to travel or for an extended career break. They subsequently found that temping was a great way to reintroduce themselves back into the workplace. 

Others simply love the flexibility and variety of short and long term contracts while still having the security and support of the Osborne Recruitment Team in the background. 

If this is you and you’re interested in becoming a temp but are not sure where to start, read our FAQ section below which answers some of the most commonly asked questions about temping. 


  • I’ve got a big gap on my C.V and feel it will impact my chances of getting a job, is this true?

Absolutely not. Our dedicated and experienced Recruitment Temp Team are on hand to help you find the right temp job to match your skills. Our team will talk through your C.V, your skills and previous experience to help find a suitable role for you, once one becomes available. The best thing about temping? It’s a great way to add to your C.V and build on your experience, ultimately making you more attractive to potential future employers.

  • How and when will I get paid?

Osborne Temps are paid weekly on a Friday directly into their personal bank account, another benefit of temping – not having to wait until the end of the month for payment.

  • Will I receive training?

Yes, you will receive training on your assignment, however, as part of our Osborne TED (Temporary Employment Development) Programme you will receive an online induction from our Temp Team and opportunities to upskill throughout your assignment, paid for by Osborne*(after a specific period of time) 

Testimonial: I really enjoy temping with Osborne. I have gained a wealth of experience from temping and the experience has really expanded my C.V which is a major plus! Osborne always have temp roles available so I’m never waiting too long for my next role! Temping suits my lifestyle and the Temp team are fantastic to deal with – they always keep me up to date with any new roles.

  • How long can I temp for?

Osborne have a variety of short term and long-term assignments across multiple sectors and industries. Some assignments are week to week, while others run for several months. That’s another perk of temping – the flexibility, and not being tied down to one role. The majority of roles are Monday- Friday, 9am-5pm, however this varies depending on the sector and role.

  • What type of roles are on offer?

We have multiple temping roles on offer at any one time across multiple sectors and industries. Our most popular temporary roles are: Receptionists, Administrators, Executive Assistants, Warehouse Operatives, Accounts Assistants, Retail/Sales Staff, General Operatives, HR Generalists. To find out more email your C.V to [email protected] or call 01-6384400

  • I’m interested in a permanent role, should I temp?

Yes, many of our temporary assignments lead to permanent roles as temping is a great way to get your foot in the door and demonstrate how you can be a great asset to the organisation you’re currently working in.

  • Will I receive support?

Yes. Every temp has a member of the Osborne Temp team assigned for the duration of the contract. They are on hand to offer support throughout your contract, help with any timesheet or payroll queries, advise about upcoming training opportunities and provide regular check ins to see how you’re getting on in your role. Our Temp team will also keep you updated on any new or upcoming temp roles. 

Get in Touch 

For more information about becoming a temp or to speak to a member of our temp team in an Osborne office location closest to you, please email [email protected] or contact: 

Maisie Doyle, Osborne City Centre, 01-6384400 

Karen O’ Rourke, Osborne Blanchardstown, 01-5984334 

Mary O’Sullivan, Osborne M1 Drogheda, 041-9865058 

Emma Hickey, Osborne Sandyford, 01-5252457 

Audrey Power, Osborne Bray, 01-4853060 

Joanne Murray, Osborne Kildare, on 045-579066 

Carrie Murphy, Osborne Cork, 021-2427234 

Catherine O’Hara, Osborne Waterford, 051,364134 

Osborne Blanchardstown & Osborne Drogheda celebrate BIG Birthdays

This September Osborne Drogheda and Osborne Blanchardstown celebrated its 7th and 8th year in operation providing award-winning recruitment and talent solution services to candidates and clients across the North East, Mid-East and M1 corridor region.   

Osborne celebrates and continues to grow 

Both Osborne Blanchardstown and Osborne Drogheda have demonstrated significant growth since their official openings in September 2014 and September 2015. Since then, they have helped drive the local economy through job creation with opportunities for 40 permanent staff across both branches and on average 128 temporary staff on-site in companies across the North East, Mid East and wider region including Louth, Meath, Monaghan, Cavan and Fingal / North County Dublin and across the border into Northern Ireland.    

Pictured: The Osborne Drogheda Team celebrating with coffee and treats in Evalynn’s speciality coffee bar in Bryanstown Drogheda. 

In 2013, when local Entrepreneur, Shona McManus, became the Owner and CEO of Osborne, the company employed just 6 people working out of 1 office location in Dublin. Today as a result of her Vision, Leadership and focus on Strategic Growth & Development and building an amazing team passionate about Recruitment, Osborne has expanded to 9 office locations within Ireland: Dublin 2, Drogheda, Blanchardstown, Sandyford, Bray, Kildare, Cork, Waterford and Toronto, Canada.    

 With a passion for recruitment excellence and an expert within the industry, Shona has been listed 6 times running in both the SIA Top 150 Global Power Women in Staffing list and in the Top 100 European Staffing list.   

Speaking at the 7 year celebrations of Osborne Drogheda, Mary O’Sullivan, Recruitment and Business Manager for Osborne Drogheda says “We have a wonderful team based in Drogheda and every day we strive to create a positive, supportive and trusting environment for everyone on our team. We are incredibly proud of everything we have achieved over the past 7 years from our multiple office expansions to our involvement in the local community, to having the opportunity to change the lives of the candidates that we place everyday”   


Osborne Stats Today 

With a collective team of 90 permanent employees, affectionately known as the ‘Osbornites’ and approximately 240 temporary staff on client sites, Osborne provide Recruitment Excellence & Talent Solution Services to both clients and candidates, led by our one single consistent purpose of Right Person, Right Job, No Compromise across the following sectors:   

  • Accountancy & Finance   
  • Office Administration & Customer Service   
  • Sales & Marketing, HR & Talent Acquisition   
  • Government & Public Sector   
  • Light Industrial, Manufacturing & Engineering, I.T.    
  • Healthcare   
  • Executive & Board Appointments   
  • Temporary & Contract Appointments   
  • International Search & Selection   
  • Osborne Career Consultants    

Each office location was selected on the basis of strategic business goals and objectives and a need to support local clients and candidates with high quality recruitment and talent solution services in Blanchardstown and Drogheda.   

 Osborne Blanchardstown & Osborne Drogheda are now the Group’s 2 largest operations within Ireland and they both have experienced phenomenal growth Year on Year.    

Pictured: The Osborne Blanchardstown Team 

Speaking at the 8th year celebrations of Osborne Blanchardstown, Recruitment & Business Director, Cloe Stapleton said, “Operating over 8 years in Blanchardstown Village and assisting the needs of local employees and employers in the Fingal and Mid East regions has filled the entire Osborne team with pride. In tandem with our client’s growth, and with our own thorough process and delivery of recruitment excellence, our own team has experienced phenomenal growth in the local area. Our level of success over the past 8 years is measured by our repeat business, referrals, testimonials, reviews online and the thank you’s we receive from clients and candidates everyday” 

Both operations have supported and placed 1,000s of candidates into permanent, temporary and contract roles across the North-East and Mid-East regions and have partnered with hundreds of clients across SME’s, Multi-National Corporations, the Public Sector and Not for Profit organisations across multiple sectors.    

 Both Osborne Blanchardstown and Osborne Drogheda are very proud and committed to supporting the local community through volunteering, direct sponsorship and offering career guidance from graduates right through to Director level and are very much embedded in the local and regional community.  We partner with numerous local groups and charitable organisations including Volunteer organisations, local enterprise and innovation centres, Drogheda & District Chamber of Commerce, Dundalk Chamber of Commerce, Fingal Chamber of Commerce, Meath Chamber of Commerce and numerous local sporting and charitable groups in the region.   


 Contact Us 


For job seekers and employers in the region, contact Osborne Drogheda at 041 986 5058 or email Mary O’Sullivan, Recruitment and Business Manager, at [email protected] or contact Osborne Blanchardstown at 01 5984334 or email Cloe Stapleton Recruitment and Business Director at [email protected]   

Osborne walk, run and cycle for Mental Health and Breast Cancer Ireland!

5,000 KM for €5,000 

Osborne walk, run and cycle for Mental Health and Breast Cancer Ireland 

Throughout the month of October, the Osborne Team took part in a fundraising challenge to raise vital funds for two well deserving charities, Jigsaw and Breast Cancer Ireland, chosen internally by the Osborne Team. 

The challenge; to walk, run or cycle for the 31 days of October to collectively reach a target of 5,000KM and fundraising total €5,000, or €1 per KM. Split equally between both charities, the Osborne team raised an impressive €5,064 which they presented to both charities earlier this week. 

The fundraising challenge was heavily publicised on social media with friends, family members, clients and our colleagues showing their support through a dedicated GoFundMe page. Osborne also held an internal raffle with local organisations donating prizes as a gesture of goodwill. 

Speaking at the photocall, Jamie McGivern, Osborne Marketing Executive said “Supporting local and national Not For Profit organisations through our CSR programme is something we’re very proud of at Osborne. We knew we wanted to do a fundraising challenge in quarter4 and with October being both Mental Health Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness month in Ireland, it was an easy decision for our team. We were thrilled to support both wonderful causes and to have the opportunity to meet with both charities to present the cheque” 

Steven Short, Community Fundraising Officer, Jigsaw also spoke at the photocall saying ‘We are so genuinely thankful to all the team in Osborne for their incredible support and fundraising. The funds they raised for us will ensure we can continue to provide the mental health services and supports that our young deserve, such as our Jigsaw Live Chat and group chat on, our One Good School secondary schools program which is in schools right across Ireland and vital research to educate and advocate for what young people need to support their mental health’ 

CEO of Breast Cancer Ireland, Aisling Hurley said “We are ever so grateful for this incredibly generous donation to Breast Cancer Ireland by Osborne. This will help us continue our work in providing complimentary breast awareness seminars to companies, schools and organisations all over Ireland” 

Osborne plan to continue raising funds and volunteering across Ireland and Toronto, Canada in the month of December with each of the 9 Osborne locations participating in local and national fundraising events. For more on Osborne’s CSR programmes and initiatives please contact [email protected] 

Director – Case Study

The Assignment

Our client, a high profile, Not for Profit Charity partnered exclusively with Osborne Executive Search to assist in the sourcing of their new Diocesan Director.
During the period affected by Covid 19 one of the main challenges for our client and for the new Diocesan Director would be their funding plan for 2021 – 2024.
The person coming into this role would be responsible for the organization’s overall activities and finances, as well as ensuring its long-term viability. The successful person would need to have a shared mission, values and ethos with an understanding of the challenges faced with this type of organisation

Our Process

Having a series of meetings with the client to gain a better understanding of their culture and community was crucial to filling this position. It was also key to creating an unambiguous and trusting relationship.
We created a comprehensive marketing and recruitment strategy including a targeted LinkedIn campaign. Osbornes vast networks and high-potential employee database, LinkedIn searching, and an ad campaign on all major job boards were also used to great effect.
Upon screening many potential candidates, we presented a longlist of eight individuals to the client

All had been video screened in full and each CV was accompanied with a detailed candidate profile highlighting their particular strengths and experience relevant to the role.
A candidate review meeting was held with the client which narrowed the shortlist down to six for interview. A panel was created and we then implemented a competency-based questionnaire for interview stage.

We hosted each interview via MS Teams and each candidate presented themselves. With a clear scoring system provided, the panel deliberated separately and returned with a recommendation for one overall winner to be called back for second round.

The Result

Upon a successful second meeting, an offer was made and accepted.
A very suitable candidate was offered and accepted the role with both parties extremely happy with the outcome.
The entire recruitment process was conducted over an 8 week period from the initial client meeting to the offer being accepted. The candidate had a four week notice period.

Contact Osborne Executive Search

To find out more about Osborne Executive Search or to speak to one of our team in confidence please contact Aine Wallace, Recruitment & Business Manager, Osborne Executive Search at [email protected]

Director of Supply Chain – Case Study

The Assignment

Our client was a major manufacturer and distributor of chemical product for consumer and industrial markets. Headquartered in Europe with sites located in more than 60 countries, they are a truly global organisation.
The company had a high-level requirement for their Middle East operation and were seeking a Director of Supply Chain. The desired candidate would have relevant qualifications and experience with a direct competitor in the Middle East Region and suited to senior level representation reporting to C-level executives based at company headquarters.

The ideal candidate would have strong experience in end-to-end global supply chain with the ability to lead multi-cultural and diverse teams across a multi-site, international region.
The successful appointee would be required relocate to the Middle East, if not already located there, and would be expected to travel frequently across the region as part of their role.

The Process

Osborne Executive Search were appointed as the recruitment partner and mobilised a very co-ordinated team to conduct a global search and initiated a selection process. This involved a talent mapping exercise to identity suitable profiles within the client company’s sector and a targeted approach and adverting campaign.

The team researched academic affiliations with the middle east region and sought out expressions of interest in the post through the alumni network.
The search process took place during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Osborne Executive Search team utilised innovate platforms to facilitate interviews via video.

A process driven and proactive search guided by our network of referrals and strategic sourcing tools led to the successful appointment of a Supply Chain Director for our client.

The Result

The entire process took place remotely and the successful candidate was supported by Osborne throughout the offer and negotiation stage through to the transition and relocation period.
The candidate was a French national who was based in Dubai and relocated to join our client in Bahrain

To find out more about Osborne Executive Search or to speak to one of our team in confidence please contact Aine Wallace, Recruitment & Business Manager, Osborne Executive Search at [email protected]

Foundation Director – Case Study

The Assignment

Osborne Executive Search have been the Executive Recruitment Partner of a significant Irish Philanthropic Organisation for the last 4 years making a number of senior management appointments.
This particular case study evidences our experience of carrying out full recruitment campaigns for senior C Suite management positions namely the Foundation Director, Head of Facility Management, Head of Corporate Fundraising, Registrar and Head of HR.

The Process

A meeting took place with the client to gain a full overview of the role, the vision and mission of organisation and division and what skills and attributes the successful candidate would possess. A competency matrix was developed, matched to the information from this meeting.
Osborne Executive Search ran a full sourcing process, running proactive searches on Osborne Executives database; CV libraries, LinkedIn, Social media in tandem with advertising the role on major Irish and international job boards. In addition, the team also accessed their networks, talking with contacts about the specific role and soliciting referrals

In total 87 candidates were screened for the role, of whom 31 made the initial long list. The longlisted candidates were interviewed by the Osborne Executive Search team for consideration. The top 11 candidates were reference checked, presented and discussed with the client culminating in an agreed shortlist of 5 individuals called to interview.

A pre-interview meeting was held with the interview panel to review the competency matrix, scoring and interview format. Subsequent to the interviews feedback was collated from all parties and relayed. The top 3 candidates were invited back by the client for second round interviews and presentations. All parties were debriefed once more and the successful candidate was chosen. Those unsuccessful were contacted personally and given full and open feedback on their application and why, in this case, they were unsuccessful.

The Result

The successful candidate was notified and the offer was presented and accepted. Thorough initial planning and understanding of the role requirements coupled with robust communication throughout the process delivered a very smooth successful conclusion to the appointment. The appointment has been a tremendous addition to the Foundation and has helped guide the client through these most tumultuous of times. Osbornes Executive Search team’s relationship building skills and partnership led approach was key to the successful outcome of this role both from a client and senior level candidate perspective.

Duration: 9 weeks from start to finish, delivered ahead of schedule. 11 weeks duration from project commencement to candidate starting date
This example involved conducting an international search for a seasoned executive at director level within a 12-week (or less) time frame. Demonstrating the ability to deliver on time and to stick within the advertising budget.

Contact Osborne Executive Search

To find out more about Osborne Executive Search or to speak to one of our team in confidence please contact Aine Wallace, Recruitment & Business Manager, Osborne Executive Search at [email protected]