One in Four Employment Opportunities - Osborne



Since 2003, One in Four has been a listening ear. We have been a support, a refuge, a lifeline. We provide professional counselling to adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. For those difficult days in court, we can advocate for you. And we can help your family support you, by supporting them.

We work with people who have committed sexual offences against children as a core child protection intervention. There are some supports for those who are in prison or on release, but that the majority of people who commit sexual offences are never prosecuted. Therefore, our empirically-based programme is unique in being open to all who are motivated to understand and take responsibility for the harm caused, irrespective of their involvement in the Criminal Justice System.

Historically, Ireland has not had a good reputation when it comes to supporting survivors of childhood sexual abuse, or delivering justice. Our first clients were survivors of clerical or institutional abuse. Nowadays most of our clients have been abused by a member of their own family, or by someone trusted in their community.

In One in Four, our vision is an Irish society where children are safe from the threat of sexual harm. Every single day we work towards this vision. It’s what drives us, what fuels us. Our therapists are highly trained, and have extensive experience working in the field of childhood sexual abuse allowing them to respond calmly to complex situations as they unfold. Underlying our approach, every single staff member brings kindness, empathy, care and commitment to each person they meet.

In conjunction with our exclusive partner Osborne Recruitment, we are now actively recruiting for a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to join our team. All relevant information is included below in the Candidate Information Booklet. Please note the closing date for this competition will be: 5.00pm on Sunday, 17th December 2023.


One in Four

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